Text Art - Copy and Paste Ascii arts

Get the Best Text art and ASCII art! Simply just click and copy your favorite keyboard art and share with your friends on whatsapp, instagram, facebook, twitter and other platforms.


ANIME [Text Art]














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BUNNY [Text Art]

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AMONG US [Text Art]

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THANK YOU [Text Art]

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THUMBS UP [Text Art]



HELLO & HI [Text Art]

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ANIMAL [Text Art]

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MUSIC [Text Art]

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~ Friendship ASCII SMS ~

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It is not MEASUREDby how TALL it could be,
but how deeply the roots have grown
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┊  ┊  ┊ ☆
┊ ☆ ┊  ★
┊  ☆hello my sweet friend!!!
Love You Forever,,,, 


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Its time to say good night to every one⠀⠀   
。♥。・゚♡゚・。♥° ♥。・゚♡゚・
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 ━OuuO━━┓ Good NIGHT Sweet deram friend
♥♥♥♥¸.•°”˜˜”°•. ♥♥♥♥........


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Good morning

Good ,\ ! /,
Mrng - O -
.-^-..-^-._ .-^-.
Feel the freshness & touch of morning sunrise.
Good Morning
▒█░░▒█ ▀▀▀▀ ▀░▀▀ ▀░░▀ ▀▀▀ ▀░░▀

LOVE [Text Art]

╔══╗╔╗ ♡ ♡ ♡
ஜ۞ஜ YOU ஜ۞ஜ
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¸✿.¸¸.☆.¸.•*❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
★ ★    ★  ★ ˛ ˚♥ ✰
♥ ♥♥ ✫¸.•°”˜˜”°•✫...
▄██▄██▄╔╗ ♥´¨`♥
.✿ۣ✿ۣ ♥♥♥ ۣ✿ۣ✿ ♥♥♥ ۣ✿ۣ✿  
whatsapp text art
What is Text Art or Keyboard Art?

Text art or Keyboard art is a form of art which is done on the computer to draw images from the texts and symbols on the keyboard. It is majorly used for illustrations in code files, where importing an image isn't an option. This form of art is used in graphic designs. In this form of art, the images are composed by using characters according to the standard set by the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). Nowadays, you can find different tools on the internet, text editors, as well as applications to generate this form of art.

What is the Purpose or Need of Text Art?

In earlier days, like in the 90s, printers were not powerful or capable enough to print graphical images. This created serious problems when there was a huge requirement for images. Text art or keyboard art, which are images created from simple text, letters, numbers, and symbols, solved this problem. These arts can be printed easily. This art form was especially designed to overcome the limitations of printers that were unable to print graphical pictures. Additionally, this art form allowed for more characters and varied heights in images.

The Evolution of Text Art

Text art was introduced to solve the problems associated with earlier printers. Nowadays, technology has advanced significantly, providing high-quality advanced printers capable of printing high-quality graphical images. Currently, ASCII art images are primarily used for fun and entertainment. People often share these images with friends, relatives, and others via social media. Despite technological advancements, many users still enjoy creating and sharing text art for various purposes.

How to Use Text Art?

Using text art is simple and straightforward: Step 1: Visit our website and click on your favorite text art or keyboard art. Step 2: After clicking, the text art will automatically be copied to your clipboard. Step 3: Paste the copied text art wherever you want to use it. You can use this text art on various platforms such as: - Sharing on WhatsApp - Using it in Instagram bios and comments - Sharing on Facebook - Using it in blog comments

History of ASCII Art

ASCII art has its roots in the early days of computer graphics, when the only way to create images was by using text characters. It became popular in the 1960s and 1970s with the advent of teletypes and dot matrix printers. Artists used the limited set of characters available in the ASCII standard to create intricate designs and pictures. This form of digital art was widely used in emails, early internet forums, and even in software documentation to add a creative touch to plain text.

Tools for Creating Text Art

There are several tools available for creating text art, ranging from simple text editors to specialized ASCII art generators. Some popular tools include: - Online ASCII Art Generators: Websites that allow you to create text art by uploading an image or drawing directly. - Text Editors: Programs like Notepad++ or Sublime Text can be used to manually create text art. - ASCII Art Software: Dedicated software like ASCII Generator or FIGlet can convert images to ASCII art or help you design text art from scratch.

Applications of Text Art

Text art has a variety of applications, including: - Software Documentation: Illustrating code and comments with text art to enhance readability. - Social Media: Adding unique text art to posts, comments, and bios on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. - Emails: Personalizing emails with creative text art signatures or messages. - Marketing: Creating eye-catching text-based advertisements and promotional materials. - Entertainment: Designing fun and engaging text art for games, puzzles, and interactive content.

Famous Examples of Text Art

There are many famous examples of text art that have become iconic over the years. Some notable ones include: - The 'Smiley Face': :) - A simple yet widely recognized piece of text art. - The 'Shrug': ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - A popular text art used to express confusion or indifference. - Classic ASCII Art: Complex images of animals, landscapes, and more created using ASCII characters, often seen in early computer games and demos. - Modern Meme Art: Creative representations of popular memes and internet culture using text art.

Tips for Creating Text Art

Here are some tips to help you create impressive text art: - Start Simple: Begin with basic shapes and gradually work your way up to more complex designs. - Use a Monospaced Font: Ensure that each character takes up the same amount of space for better alignment and consistency. - Pay Attention to Spacing: Proper spacing between characters can make a significant difference in the final appearance of your text art. - Experiment with Different Characters: Use a variety of letters, numbers, and symbols to add detail and texture to your designs. - Practice: Like any art form, practice is key to improving your skills and creating more intricate text art.

Future of Text Art

While text art originated out of necessity, it has evolved into a beloved form of digital expression. As technology continues to advance, text art may integrate with new mediums and platforms, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). Additionally, AI-powered tools could make it easier for artists to create highly detailed and complex text art. Despite these advancements, the charm and simplicity of traditional text art will likely continue to resonate with artists and audiences alike.
